Sunday, April 5, 2015

See’s the Kaiser Shot While Tryng to Flee His Prison

This is the title of the article, published in 1919, first in the New York Herald Magazine (5 JAN 1919), and later in the Milwaukee Sentinel Magazine and the Anaconda Standard. It is now cost prohibitive to order the article from Milwaukee, and the graphic I have of the article is of poor quality. But, I was lucky to find a transcription of the article. The following is a transcription of the article, with their footnotes removed to ease readability, found in the e-book, "The Law of Vibration", published by the Gann Study Group in 2012 (pp. 13-23):
Sees the Kaiser Shot While Trying to Flee His Prison
Student of the Law of Vibration, Who Also Is a Prophet of Note and a Seer of First Quality, Makes Another Prediction Regarding the Fate of the Man Named Hohenzollern, Who Until Late Said He Was the Great War Lord and Also the Most High Admiral of the Atlantic.
There is nothing to anything save and except the Law of Vibration.

Vibration is fundamental, exact, universal. Nothing is exempt from it. You can watch it carefully and then own all the money in the world. You can study it for a few decades and become a prophet. You can predict events – before or after – you can become a first or second guesser just as you choose. You can even foretell what is going to be done with the man named Hohenzollern, who once was a Great War Lord and Most High Admiral of the Atlantic.
And it is all SO simple.
This is the secret of the law of vibration: –
Find exactly by a study of geometrical angles what is meant by each letter in a man's name and his destiny is at once an open book to you. The same goes in regard to countries and rulers. That is all there is to it.
Now, to explain: –
William D. Gann, a Wall Street broker, is the discoverer of the Law of Vibration and its application to matters mundane, says the New York Herald. In its particular relation to the man Hohenzollern, Mr. Gann wrote as follows for the Herald magazine: –
"Wilhelm Hohenzollern, the infamous imperial scoundrel, whose crimes against women and children have debauched and shocked the civilized world and caused him to be the most hated and despised man in history, was born January 27, 1859. His mother, Princess Victoria Adelaide, Mary Louisa Wettin, was born Nov 21, 1840.
"A study of the mother's maiden name, which always reveals the secret nature and future destiny of the male child more than the father's name, indicates the remarkable events in the Kaiser's life. Her name shows that the husband lacked love and sympathy for her, which is fully manifested in the depraved feelings and unsympathetic nature of her son. The name Hohenzollern shows that he would inherit from his father an unbalanced mind; that he would be an egotist, a braggart and a selfish coward. No one doubts that none other than a depraved and insane mind could have conceived the idea of world dominion. No sane man would have antagonized the United States and believed he could defeat the country whose colors have never yet trailed the dust.
"His name and numbers indicated that he would inherit a throne, property and wealth and then lose them all in his own acts. His numbers reveal the fact that all vain hopes would be defeated in the end.
"The letter W is a twin letter or a letter with a dual nature. While it is one of justice and fairness, when afflicted it becomes one of the most selfish and debased influences. The letter N is the most powerful letter for producing wealth and fame, especially when the surname begins with W and ends with N. It overcomes all obstacles and wins in the end. A name ending with N leaves a record which is famous long after death, as in the case of George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, Duke of Wellington and Woodrow Wilson. When H is the initial letter, it attempts to create a position of wealth and power through destruction. It afflicts or opposes W and N. The evil tendencies William Hohenzollern inherited from his father's name caused him to break the heart of his mother, whose noble qualities were shown by the fact that her name began with W and ended with N. Had the former Kaiser understood the science of letters and numbers he would have realized that he would meet his Waterloo through Woodrow Wilson, whose name stands for justice and liberty.
"The numbers '5,' '7' and '9' are very unfavorable for him. The fifth, seventh and ninth months of the year, as well as the fifth, seventh and ninth months from his birthday, are very evil and eventful in his life. Observe that he abdicated on his evil day, the ninth, in his evil month, November.
"His sixty-first year, 1919, will prove to be the most unfortunate in his career, and I very seriously doubt if he will live to see the end of the year. He will suffer the almost complete loss of his wealth. The death of one of his sons, probably the Crown Prince, is indicated. There is also danger of imprisonment and severe illness. The following are his most evil periods for this year: – March 20 to 27, May 10 to 14, July 2 to 5, August 23 to 25, October 10 to 13 and November 7 to 13.
"From January 27, his birthday, until February 9 will prove to be a very unfortunate period, when he will be sick in mind and body. He will have thoughts of taking his life and may attempt it. The Allies will probably ask for his extradition.


"Three critical periods are indicated: –
"April 9 to May 9 will be one of the most unfavorable periods, when his life and liberty will be seriously threatened. His health will be very bad and his mind almost unbalanced. He will probably be brought to trial at this time, and if he receives the sentence it will possibly prove to be his death blow.
"August will be most unfortunate. He will be much depressed from imprisonment or restraint. He will meet with opposition on every hand and reap as he has sown.
"October and November are the most evil months. This third period will be most fatal and there is strong evidence that if he is still alive a violent death may take place.
"His name reveals strong testimony that when brought to trial the death penalty will be inflicted, unless Woodrow Wilson intercedes in his behalf and on humane principles asks for life imprisonment, and it is strongly indicated that he will. It is a sure thing that the Kaiser will receive extreme punishment and spend the balance of his life under limitations and restraints. He will be confined either in a prison or an asylum. The end will come suddenly and not be a natural death. There is an indication that he will make an attempt to escape but in so doing will lose his life."
Mr. Gann is unknown to the general public, but his name and personality have long been familiar to Wall Street. He predicted both elections of President Wilson when the judgment of keen, shrewd men favored that of his opponent. He foretold the end of the world war and the abdication of the Kaiser to the day it occurred, and his predictions regarding the movements of big stocks have been for years the talk of the brokers.
Mr. Gann is modest and unassuming and looks more like a deep student than the financier, as the public mind usually portrays him. When asked about his discovery and his predictions he tried to evade the subject at first but finally agreed to tell something about his work. He made his discovery about twenty years ago, after weeks and months of research into geometry and mathematics in ancient books and at a cost of $25,000.
He consumed eighty pounds of paper in figuring, and his geometrical deductions and calculations are contained on a roll which, when unwound, would reach from Wall Street to the Battery. From all these numbers Mr. Gann erects his geometrical figures. He has a big, ponderous volume filled with these figures – squares, angles, pyramids and circles – and whenever he wants to know anything he turns to a certain geometrical figure and puts his finger on the answer.
Mr. Gann, who is a native of Texas, gave the following account of his experience and methods: –
"It is impossible now to give any adequate idea of the law of vibration as I apply it to my business; however, the layman may be able to grasp some of the principles when I state that this is the fundamental law upon which wireless telegraphy, wireless telephones, phonographs and all other great inventions are based. Without the existence of this law these inventions would have been impossible.
"In order to test my idea, I have not only put in years of labor in the regular way, but I spent nine months working night and day in the old Astor library and in the British Museum, in London, poring over ancient books on mathematics and geometry, as well as the records of stock transactions as far back as 1820. I have, incidentally, examined the manipulations of Jay Gould, Daniel Drew, Commodore Vanderbilt and all other important Wall Street manipulators from that time to the present time.
"Vibration is fundamental; nothing is exempt from this law; it is universal, therefore applicable to every class of phenomena, animate or inanimate, on the globe."
Mr. Gann added that his researches showed that the ancients had knowledge of natural laws of which we can scarcely dream, that in a sense they were wiser than we are to-day. The fact that the ancients wrote their numbers and letters in geometrical figures opened the way to his discovery of the law that rules all things. He found that every letter and every number was written in a geometrical angle that determined the power of its vibration. Knowing this vibration in the letters of an individual's name, in the letters contained in the name of a stock or in the letters of the name of a country or a ruler, the destiny of that individual, that stock or that ruler and country can be correctly seen.
"There is everything in a name or in a word," said Mr. Gann, the strong lines of his face relaxing in a genial smile, "despite all that Shakespeare has said. There is no such thing as chance in this universe, and the names which we give our children are governed by this great law. We have all heard the story of Voltaire, who only became great and famous after he had changed his name to what we know it to-day. Perhaps he was adept in the workings of this law."
Mr. Gann was asked how he made his remarkable predictions regarding the Kaiser and how he determined the exact days mentioned.
"By the letters of his name and the name of his mother," he replied. "In this manner the future of any individual can be told. The first thing I do is get the mathematical angle, the length of the angle of his or her name and then that of the mother's name. Then you get the angle of the father's name, because that name you carry through life. Following this I take the Christian or given name, which is forced on you, so to speak, and calculate whether it is harmonious or inharmonious. There are just two things to everything – harmony or inharmony, positive or negative, light or darkness, beauty or ugliness. If the name given you is out of harmony then you have got to work through that until you come into harmony. The given name gives the vibration set up in the body. Everything is based absolutely on geometry and mathematics. You have got to prove everything in a circle, in a square or in an angle. You have got to know how a pyramid stands to a circle, a circle to a square and how they all 'match up.'"
Speaking of the vibratory power of letters, Mr. Gann made out a list of the names of the Presidents of the United States. The letters W and N, he said, were the most important of all. The letter W is of a dual nature and the ancients so indicated it in their original symbol. It is the most powerful letter according to its position in a name. It works either for justice and the loftiest of ideals, or it tends to destruction and ruin. A person whose name begins with a W and terminates in an N will hold a most exalted position in life and wield great power. As an example, such a name and career was that of Washington who established the Union, and going down the whole list of Presidents that combination of letters does not occur again until we reach the name of Woodrow Wilson. The glance over the following names of Presidents will show this: –
George Washington,
James Buchanan,
John Adams, Abraham Lincoln,
Thomas Jefferson, Andrew Johnson,
James Madison, U. S. Grant,
James Monroe, R. B. Hayes,
John Q. Adams, James A. Garfield,
Andrew Jackson, Chester A. Arthur,
M. Van Buren, Grover Cleveland,
Wm. H Harrison,
Benjamin Harrison,
John Tyler, Grover Cleveland,
James K. Polk, William McKinley,
Z. Taylor,
Theodore Roosevelt,
Millard Fillmore,William H. Taft,
Franklin Pierce, Woodrow Wilson
President Wilson's name, Mr. Gann says, is even more potent than that of Washington, for his given name also begins with a "W," and his position in the world to-day is the materialization of the great vibratory power that is inherent in these letters.
In the list of presidents it will be noted that where the "W" does not appear the letter "N" plays an important role; such as for instance, the names of Jefferson, Madison, Andrew Jackson, Lincoln – which contained two "N's" – and so on.
As another striking example of the power of these letters, Mr. Gann cited that of Napoleon, whose name began with an "N" and ended with it. Here was a combination hard to beat, but he was beaten, and by none other than Wellington, the "W" and 'N' combination – the beginning and the end. It must be remembered, however, that not all persons whose names may be Wilson, or Lincoln or Wellington will be equally as great. They will more or less play an important part in their various spheres, but the date of birth is what determines the other angle and also complete the circle or the square. From all this data Mr. Gann calculates the "key number" which governs him through life. That "key number" is the whole secret of Mr. Gann's discovery, and this secret he keeps within himself. For instance, the "key number" of President Wilson's name is "28," and curiously enough he is the twenty-eighth President of these United States. Therefore, the numbers "2" and "8," or their total "10," will show events of importance in Mr. Wilson's career.
Another instance of a man of prominence in this country who has wielded a powerful influence is that of Henry Watterson, editor emeritus of the Louisville Courier-Journal, whose name begins with a W and terminates in an N. And so it will be seen that in all names of prominent persons in every walk of life the W and N are rarely absent, and in the cases of big men where neither letter appears in the Christian or given name the key will be found in the day and year of birth.
Mr. Gann does not care much for money except to meet his daily needs, and these are simple. He made a fortune simply that he might have the leisure necessary for him to follow his ambition – to study mathematics and delve into the knowledge held by the ancients. He does not want to be regarded as a prophet or a seer, but rather as a man of science.
"An astronomer can predict to the minute when a eclipse is going to occur," he said, "but you would not consider him a prophet, would you? Of course not. He simply makes use of mathematics based on known laws of the movements of the planets in their orbits. I have found in my researches that the Chinese understood all those laws and computed the coming of eclipses thousands of years before the Egyptians and Chaldeans. It is marvelous the knowledge that these ancients had. In making my predictions I used geometry and mathematics just as an astronomer does, based on immutable laws which I have discovered. There is nothing supernatural or weird about it. Some weeks ago I read an interesting article in the Herald on the failure of astrologers in their predictions regarding the war. Now there is a great deal in the vibrations of the planets, but to make accurate predictions the great law behind it all, which the ancients understood, but which they purposely refrained from putting in their books, as they wanted to keep the secret for themselves, must enter into the calculation. That is why astrology fails for nothing can be accurate that is not based on mathematics – and so few astrologers are mathematicians.
"In March last several of my friends in Wall Street asked me why I did not make a prediction on how long the war would last. I had been quite busy all along with my regular work in Wall Street, and my evenings were given to calculating events for friends."
Mr. Gann here lifted a large bundle of letters from his desk. They were from men of prominence all over the country – from Governors of States, big public men in Washington and others, thanking him for his kindness in working out a geometrical figure of their lives and commenting upon his amazing accuracy.
"These are the things that keep me busy," he added, with a laugh. "But it is what I like to do; it is my play, my recreation. However, I went to work on that end-of-the-war calculation and on April 6 I sent out a typewritten statement to my friends. Well, the result is known now.
"The United States went into the war on April 6. April has always been very eventful in the history of this country. Fort Sumter was fired on in the month of April, and if you will look back over history you will find that many of the important events begin or end in the month of April. I soon found that the letters and numbers in the names of President Wilson and the Kaiser revealed some very remarkable indications. Strangely enough I found that the numbers '5,' '7' and '9' are very eventful and important in the history of this country. These same numbers are fatal numbers for Kaiser Wilhelm, and showed that his evil months this year were October and November. With all the 'N's' in his name he could not beat that powerful 'W' and 'N' combination, nor could Napoleon.
"We cannot work against the law, but we can work with the law. For instance, one of my friends came to me recently very much depressed. I found he was passing through a hard period. Health and business were affected. I again tested my discovery. I told him not to invest or speculate in any stock that was due for a rise, for he was bound to lose, but advised him to select a stock that was itself depressed and sell short. He did this and made money in a time when conditions were against him. That is what I mean by working with the law."


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